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4th Kenji Ishihara Colloquium Series on Earthquake Engineering

Impact of Climate Change on Community Earthquake Resilience

September 2nd, 2022
Virtually on Zoom

Human-induced climate change is becoming a global climate crisis. Natural hazards are increasing in frequency and intensity. New challenges are arising to earthquake professionals. Issues such as sea level rise, heavy rainfalls, and wildfires are making communities more seismically vulnerable. What are these new challenges in terms of community earthquake mitigation and resilience? How is the occurrence of earthquakes on top of natural hazards exacerbated by human-induced climate change affecting community earthquake resilience? What and how may earthquake professionals contribute to solve this global climate crisis? A global problem demands a global solution; what are the next steps in this direction?

These and other questions will be discussed and addressed to provide some information and guidance about community earthquake resilience, the roles of earthquake professionals, and what other professionals are doing addressing other natural hazards directly affected by the global climate crisis.

Click the image on the right to view event flyer.

All times are in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

Opening Remarks


Session 1: Keynote Speakers – Moderator: Jorge Meneses

Prof. Susan CutterDisaster Inequality and Equitable Risk Reduction8:15am8:45am
Dr. Therese McAllisterEnabling Community Resilience through Design Practices8:45am9:15am
Prof. Benjamin ZaitchikAnticipating and addressing complex climate hazards9:15am9:45am
Discussion Panel9:45am10:15am

Session 2 – Moderators: Zahraa Saiyed and Tasneem Sadeque

Prof. Daniel ArmaniosThe Role of Physical Infrastructure on Inequality10:30am11:00am
Dr. Sahar DerakhshanIntersection between climate change and earthquake resilience: Community resilience11:00am11:30am
Vance TaylorThe Whole Community: We Succeed or Fail Together11:30am12:00pm
Discussion Panel12:00pm12:30pm
Lunch Break12:30pm1:30pm

Session 3 – Moderator: Alvaro Celestino

Prof. Hussam MahmoudResilience of Healthcare Systems under the Compounding Impact of Pandemics and Climate-Intensified Wildfires1:30pm2:00pm
Prof. Adam RoseWhat Businesses Can Do to Plan for Recovery from Earthquakes and Climate Change Impacts Simultaneously2:00pm2:30pm
Prof. Negar Elhami-KhorasaniPlanning for fire following earthquake considering interconnected infrastructure systems2:30pm3:00pm
Discussion Panel3:00pm3:30pm

Session 4 – Moderator: Hamidreza Sarmadi

Dr. Alex GrantThe Impacts of Sea Level Rise on San Francisco Bay-area Liquefaction Hazard3:45pm4:15pm
Steve ModdemeyerCommand and Control is for Emergencies. Shared Values is for Adaptation and Recovery4:15pm4:45pm
Dr. Kit Miyamoto & Dr. Amir GilaniImpact of climate change on the performance of the built environment4:45pm5:15pm
Discussion Panel5:15pm5:15pm
Closing Remarks5:45pm5:50pm

Click here to learn about our colloquium speakers and read presentation abstracts.

Click here to view replays of the colloquium sessions.

Zoom link will be provided to registered attendees prior to the event.

Click here to register for the colloquium.

Chair: Dr. Jorge Meneses
Alvaro Celestino
Janna Bonfiglio
Tasneem Sadeque
Kristen Chang
Hamid Sarmadi
Prof. Gilberto Mosqueda
Ricardo Bustamante
Kayla Erler

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Dr. Jorge Meneses at

4th Kenji Ishihara Colloquium Series on Earthquake Engineering

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Earthquake Engineering

September 1st, 2022
In-Person: University of California, San Diego
Virtually: Zoom

Artificial intelligence is rapidly developing, enhancing the role of data science in many disciplines including earthquake engineering. Applications of artificial intelligence are currently present in many aspects of our daily lives (e.g. automated driving cars, finding directions between two locations, facial recognition, e-commerce and marketing, healthcare, gaming, hiring processes, etc.). When big data or data analytics is involved, like in many aspects of earthquake engineering, artificial intelligence emerges as the efficient response.

This symposium will present and discuss current applications of artificial intelligence in different aspects of earthquake engineering and related disciplines.

Click the image on the right to view event flyer.

All times are in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

Opening Remarks

Registration and Breakfast7:00am8:00am

Session 1 – Moderator: Jorge Meneses

Prof. Krishna KumarCan we trust AI models in Earthquake Engineering?8:15am8:45am
Prof. Adrian Rodriguez-Marek et al.Use of Machine Learning Tools to Evaluate Site Terms in Ground Motion Models8:45am9:15am
Prof. Scott BrandenbergRelational Databases to Facilitate Ground Motion and Liquefaction Data Science9:15am9:45am
Discussion Panel9:45am10:15am

Session 2 – Moderator: Alvaro Celestino

Prof. Jamie Padgett and R. RinconFacilitating seismic risk and resilience analysis in heterogenous and multi-scale systems10:30am11:00am
A. Tamhidi and Prof. Yousef BozorgniaArtificial Intelligence and Earthquake Engineering; Application for Seismic Performance of Soft-Story Buildings11:00am11:30am
R. Silva and Prof. Jack BakerDeep learning-based retrofitting and seismic risk assessment of road networks11:30am12:00pm
Discussion Panel12:00pm12:30pm
Lunch Break12:30pm1:30pm

Session 3 – Moderator: Janna Bonfiglio

Prof. Karianne BergenExplainable AI for Seismology: An interpretable convolutional neural network architecture for earthquake detection1:30pm2:00pm
Dr. Qingkai QongCrowdsourcing Earthquake Information Enabled by AI2:00pm2:30pm
Dr. Youzuo Lin and Will Reichard FlynnSpatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Earthquake Source Characterization2:30pm3:00pm
Discussion Panel3:00pm3:30pm

Session 4 – Moderator: Kristen Chang

Prof. Youssef Hashash and Okan IlhanDeep Learning-Based Site Amplification Models for Central and Eastern North America3:45pm4:15pm
Prof. Jorge MacedoMachine learning-based procedures for estimating seismically-induced slope displacements4:15pm4:45pm
Prof. Hiroyuki MiuraApplication of AI Technology for Estimating Site Amplification Factor from Microtremor H/V Spectral Ratio4:45pm5:15pm
Discussion Panel5:15pm5:45pm
Closing Remarks5:45pm5:50pm

Click here to learn about our symposium speakers and read presentation abstracts.

Click here to view replays of the colloquium sessions.

University of California, San Diego
Structural and Materials Department (SME), 2nd floor
Room SME 248
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093
Parking information coming soon!

Zoom link will be provided to registered attendees prior to the event.

Click here to register for the symposium.

Click here for a list of hotels near UCSD.

Transportation to and from the venue can be utilized through Uber or Lyft. Click here for directions to get to the venue.

Chair: Dr. Jorge Meneses
Alvaro Celestino
Janna Bonfiglio
Tasneem Sadeque
Kristen Chang
Hamid Sarmadi
Prof. Gilberto Mosqueda
Ricardo Bustamante
Kayla Erler

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Dr. Jorge Meneses at

EERI San Diego Chapter Webinar Series


Thursday, November 18th, 2021
4:00pm-5:00pm PST

The San Diego Regional Chapter of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute is pleased to introduce Southern California high school student Vivien He to to discuss her development of a low-cost seismometer that can be used for homes and businesses. Vivien He is currently a high school senior at Palos Verdes Peninsula High School in Rolling Hills Estates. She developed her seismometer during her time at home under COVID restrictions in 2020. In addition, the webinar will introduce students to the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute and the various engineering disciplines, scientists, and others making up the organization. Several different EERI members will discuss their paths to and backgrounds in different engineering disciplines and how we work together in the field of earthquake engineering.

This presentation is free and open to the public. You may click the image on the right to view the event flyer.

Click here to register for the webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


EERI Introductions and Announcements4:00pm-4:10pm
"Working in Earthquake Engineering"
EERI Team Member Discussion
"Development of a Low-Cost Seismometer"
Vivien He

EERI San Diego Chapter Webinar Series


Friday, June 11th, 2021
12:00pm-1:30pm PDT

Abstract: Since the introduction of the Seed & Idriss simplified procedure in 1971, liquefaction triggering analysis for sands has continuously been expanded and refined. Questions of soil compositional susceptibility to liquefaction triggering were addressed using the “Chinese Criteria” for more than 20 years until observations by Bray and Sancio (2006) from the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey revealed that some fine-grained clayey soils can also trigger in liquefaction. Therefore, considerable uncertainty today exists around the topics of liquefaction susceptibility and triggering of fine-grained and transitional soils. Using (1) a new method for quantifying soil type/behavior called DQ (Saye, Olson, et al. 2017); (2) a novel approach for considering the liquefaction triggering boundary that removes the need for fines content estimation and correction; and (3) an expanded database of 401 liquefaction/non-liquefaction case histories from a variety of soils ranging from clay to course sands, we (Saye, Olson, and Franke 2021) introduce new probabilistic and deterministic models of liquefaction susceptibility and triggering for ALL CPT-compatible soils. These newly-published models demonstrate excellent fit with many of the “tricky” case histories from recent events including Christchurch. Additionally, we (Franke and Olson 2021) identify and present two common design practices in the use of probabilistic liquefaction triggering models that are potentially introducing significant error in many projects. Practical solutions to these erroneous practices are proposed and summarized.

Click here to register for the webinar.

Click here to view a replay of the webinar.


Kevin W. Franke, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

Kevin W. Franke is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Brigham Young University. Kevin received his BSCE from Utah State University in 2004, is MSCE from University of Washington in 2005, and his Ph.D. from Brigham Young University in 2011. Kevin’s principal research focus relates to geotechnical/earthquake engineering. Kevin and his students are currently developing performance-based (i.e., probabilistic) methods for dealing with soil liquefaction and its associated hazards. Additionally, Kevin is an investigator in the Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS), which is currently the only NSF-sponsored research center for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Kevin’s research focus in the Center deals with new and improved applications of small (UAVs) in monitoring infrastructure and performing post-disaster reconnaissance.

Prior to his current position at BYU, Kevin worked for 6 years as a professional civil engineering consultant for Kleinfelder, Inc. and URS Corporation. Kevin contributed to multiple significant projects throughout the western and central US including Kennecott Utah Copper tailings impoundment, facilities at Los Alamos National Labs, California High Speed Rail, North Torrey Pines Bridge seismic retrofit, I-15 Corridor Reconstruction in Utah County, Sacramento Area Flood Control Levee Evaluations/Improvements, Levee improvements in New Orleans, Roscoe Wind Farm in Texas, Legacy Parkway in Utah, and multiple schools and hospitals throughout CA, OR, and WA.

Kevin is married to Ruby since 2000, and they have 6 children: Shari (18), Chad (16), Abby (14), Julie (12), Russell (10), and Eve (8). They also have a successful family YouTube channel called “8 Passengers” that currently has nearly 2,500,000 subscribers and has received more than 1 billion views worldwide since 2015.

Speaker Information: 3rd Kenji Ishihara Colloquium Series on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

Base Isolation, Damping Systems, and Soil-Structure Interaction
Speakers and Abstracts


Ian Aiken, Ph.D., P.E.
Principal, Seismic Isolation Engineering, Inc.

Seismic Damping: An Overview of Device Types, Design and Code Considerations

Abstract: Ian will give a snapshot overview of some of the different types of seismic damping devices and applications in the U.S. and internationally, the main aspects of the ASCE 7 and ASCE 41 requirements for structures with damping systems, and discuss some of the engineering and implementation considerations for using seismic dampers that differ from more typical building design, such as analysis requirements, the need for device testing, and the peer review process.

Bio: Ian Aiken is a Principal with Seismic Isolation Engineering, Inc., in Berkeley, California, and has more than 30 years of experience in earthquake, structural and civil engineering. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and Masters and Doctoral degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. His particular areas of expertise are seismic isolation and passive energy dissipation for seismic structural control, and the use of nonlinear analysis methods for structural analysis. He has worked on nearly 100 seismic isolation and energy dissipation projects including many notable building, bridge and industrial structures worldwide. For more than 20 years Ian has been extensively involved in the development, testing and implementation of buckling-restrained braces in the U.S., with notable firsts including the first project in the U.S., the first hospital in California and the U.S., the first bridge in the U.S. to use BRBs, and recently the Wilshire Grand Tower in Los Angeles.

Ian has been a member of state and national committees on isolation and energy dissipation, including ASCE, AASHTO and SEAONC committees, and FEMA-BSSC for the NEHRP national provisions.



Jay Love
Senior Principal, Degenkolb Engineers
Seismic Design with Viscous Dampers: Retrofit Design Strategies

Abstract: One of the largest hospital facilities constructed in recent years in California, the new Sutter Health California Pacific Medical Center Van Ness Campus Hospital opened to patients on March 2, 2019.The $2.1B project produced a 13-story, 989,230 square foot hospital, including patient beds, diagnostic and treatment centers, and subterranean parking. Van Ness Campus Hospital consolidated the acute care services of two older Sutter Health California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) campuses to create their flagship San Francisco hospital.

The structural system features a steel moment resisting frame with supplemental viscous wall dampers to reduce earthquake forces. Originally developed and implemented in Japan over the past three decades, this project marked the first application of viscous wall dampers in the United States. Through testing and nonlinear response history analysis, viscous wall dampers are expected to absorb nearly 90 percent of the earthquake energy at the Design Earthquake level.

Bio: Jay Love has more than 40 years of experience, including master planning, structural design, seismic evaluation, and retrofit design. He has considerable expertise in designing specialized buildings, particularly large and complex healthcare facilities. Jay’s notable projects include the new design of the new Sutter Health California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) Hospital at Van Ness and Geary and the Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles Replacement Hospital. Jay has overseen and served as project mentor on numerous healthcare projects for Stanford Health Care ValleyCare Medical Center – Pleasanton and Livermore, Stanford Hospital, Catholic Healthcare West, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Dignity Health, and Sutter Health.



Aaron Malatesta, P.E.
Structural Engineer
Seismic Design with Viscous Dampers: Retrofit Design Strategies

Abstract: Structural engineers have been using viscous dampers to protect new and existing building structures from seismic excitation for almost 30 years. There are a number of different types of damping applications, and the primary objective of this presentation will be to demonstrate the basic principles for supplemental viscous damping and how they can be applied for seismic retrofit of pre-Northridge steel moment frames and nonductile concrete moment frames. The presentation will include historical background and an overview of preliminarydesign concepts and simplified design procedures. Examples will be presented and alternative methods for construction detailing will be discussed.

Bio: Aaron Malatesta, P.E. is a structural engineering consultant in the field of energy dissipation devices and advanced seismic design. Mr. Malatesta graduated from Stanford University with a Masters degree in Structural Engineering. He has practiced structural engineering for consulting firms focused on both buildings and transportation infrastructure. As a licensed professional engineer in the state of California, he has been involved in the design and retrofit of a number of different types of structures.  He has worked as a technical director for a viscous damper manufacturer leading the development of technical publications, management of research and development activities, and working with engineers to improve the performance of structures using viscous damping systems. He is actively involved in ASCE 7 and ASCE 41 committees for seismic isolation systems and energy dissipation devices.

3rd Kenji Ishihara Colloquium Series on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

Base Isolation, Damping Systems, and Soil-Structure Interaction

May 2021
Virtual Webinars

The Third Kenji Ishihara Colloquium Series on Earthquake Engineering will include a series of three webinars on the topics of Base Isolation, Damping Systems, and Soil-Structure Interaction. Three distinguished panelists will be invited to each webinar for a 20-minute presentation each and will be followed by a discussion with questions and answers under the lead of a moderator. This series of webinars target structural and geotechnical structures, architects, students, researchers, and building officials.

Click image on right to view event flyer.


Webinar 1:  Friday, May 14th, 2021, 12pm-1:45pm PDT
Base Isolation (Moderator: Professor Gilberto Mosqueda)
Click here to view a replay of this webinar.
Panelist 1
– Michael C. Constantinou, University at Buffalo, Testing of Seismic Protective System Hardware: Significance, Scaling and Similarity
Panelist 2 –  Reid Zimmerman, KPFF, Changes in ASCE 7-22 for Seismically Isolated Structures and Recent KPFF Base-Isolated Projects
Panelist 3 – Simon Rees, Arup
Panelist 4 – Henry Tatham, Beca, Refurbishing a Base Isolated World First

Webinar 2:  Friday, May 21st, 2021, 12pm-1:30pm PDT
Damping Systems (Moderator: Alvaro Celestino)
Click here to view a replay of this webinar.
Panelist 1 – Jay Love, Degenkolb Engineers, Application of Viscous Wall Dampers in the US
Panelist 2
– Ian Aiken, SIE Inc., Seismic Damping: An Overview of Device Types, Design and Code Considerations
Panelist 3
– Aaron Malatesta, Structural Engineer, Seismic Design with Viscous Dampers: Retrofit Design Strategies

Webinar 3:  Friday, May 28th, 2021, 12pm-1:30pm PDT
Soil-Structure Interaction (Moderator: Jorge Meneses)
Click here to view a replay of this webinar.
Panelist 1 – Jonathan Stewart, UCLA, Seismic Earth Pressures on Retaining Walls based on SSI Principles
Panelist 2
– Bret Lizundia, Rutherford & Chekene, A Practical Guide to Soil-Structure Interaction
Panelist 3
– Sissy Nikolau, NIST, SSI and Functional Recovery


Click here to register for the colloquium.

Registration Fees
*EERI Student Members and EERI, ASCE, & SEOSD Members – Free
*Non-Members – $20/webinar or $40/three webinars
*Retired, Public Employees – $10/webinar or $20/three webinars
PDH Certificates will be issued upon request.



EERI San Diego Chapter Webinar Series


Tuesday, April 6th, 2021
12pm-2pm PDT
Virtual Webinar

On February 18, 2021, the California Geological Survey (CGS) released preliminary review maps of proposed new and revised Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones to the City and County of San Diego ( The City of San Diego has also posted the announcement here:

The February 18, 2021 release date begins a 90-day public comment period to provide technical review comments on the proposed Earthquake Fault Zone maps. Comments should be sent to the State Mining and Geology Board before May 19th, 2021, and should be addressed to:

Jeffrey Schmidt, Executive Officer
State Mining and Geology Board
801 K Street, MS 20-15
Sacramento, CA 95814-3528
Phone: (916) 322-1082

The State Mining and Geology Board (SMGB) will hold a public hearing near the end of the 90-day review period. For more information on the date and location of the public hearing, contact the SMGB by visiting

The EERI San Diego Chapter is organizing a webinar to provide background and further information on these new and revised maps. This free virtual webinar will be presented on Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 from 12pm-2pm with the following invited speakers:

1) Prof. Thomas Rockwell (San Diego State University)
2) Timothy Dawson (California Geological Survey)
3) Michael DeFrisco (California Geological Survey)
4) Discussion Q&A. Moderator: Dr. Jorge Meneses

Click here to register for the webinar.

Click here to view a recording of the webinar.

ASCE EERI Joint Luncheon 2021


Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021
Virtual Meeting

Join EERI in a joint luncheon with ASCE San Diego Section, featuring guest speaker Dr. Laurie Johnson, EERI President. The presentation will discuss the use of smart materials in bettering structural performance against seismic activity.

For members of EERI and ASCE = FREE
For non-members = $20.00
For public agency workers = $10.00

For more information, click the image to the right to view the event flyer.

Click here to register for the luncheon.
Registration closes on Monday, February 22, 2021 at 5pm PST.



EERI San Diego Chapter Webinar Series


Global pandemics and large earthquakes are both events that have a low frequency of occurrence, but a high risk for loss of life and economic losses. As a result, our current experiences with COVID-19 can be useful for discussions about preparing for these “low frequency/high risk” events. Although currently our scientific knowledge and technology are better than they have ever been, in the past six months, COVID-19 has posed challenges for the world despite attempts to prepare for events such as this. This webinar series looks at how scenarios are used as a planning tool, what challenges can be encountered in preparing for events such as these, and what next steps can be taken for earthquake preparedness in our community.

Webinar 1
Friday, October 16th, 2020, 12:00pm PDT (day before anniversary of Loma Prieta Earthquake)
Using Scenarios for Preparedness: Comparing Pandemics and Earthquakes

View Recording of Webinar

Scenarios are useful planning tools to help us prepare for future events, particularly events that have a low frequency of occurrence but a high risk of losses associated with them, such as large earthquakes and global pandemics. Several public health scenarios were developed in recent years to better understand and prepare for a global pandemic, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar discusses the outcomes and conclusions of these scenarios, a comparison to our current experiences with COVID-19, and a comparison to existing earthquake scenarios and what we can learn from them in an effort to improve earthquake preparedness.

Webinar 2: Friday, October 30th, 2020, 12:00pm PDT
Common Challenges Preparing for Low Frequency/High Risk Events (Earthquakes and Pandemics)
View Recording of Webinar
Abstract: Preparing and planning for events that have a low frequency of occurrence but high risk of loss associated with them can have a number of obstacles that must be overcome in order to achieve success. These obstacles include changing public perception of risk, communicating information to a non-scientific population, and obtaining sustained political and financial support, amongst many others. These challenges are discussed in the context of our current experiences, and how those same challenges are encountered in planning for earthquakes and developing more seismically resilient communities. This webinar will also discuss some of the ways in which these challenges can be overcome by learning from the failures and successes of our experiences with COVID-19.

Webinar 3: Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:00pm PST
Next Steps for Earthquake Preparedness in Our San Diego Community
View Recording of Webinar
Developing communities that are more earthquake resilient and better prepared for large disasters takes time, resources, and lots of planning. This webinar will focus on how to prepare in our community by looking at outreach, developing a group of stakeholders, and identifying short-term and long-term goals for San Diego. This webinar is intended to be more interactive, with discussion amongst stakeholders. The basis for this discussion will be the San Diego Earthquake Scenario released in March 2020, before the pandemic hit the San Diego region.


Jorge F. Meneses, Ph.D., P.E., G.E.,D.GE, F.ASCE, Principal Geotechnical Engineer, RMA Group, Inc.
San Diego, CA

Jorge F. Meneses, Ph.D., P.E., G.E., D.GE, F.ASCE, Principal Geotechnical Engineer, RMA Group, Inc., has more than 30 years of consultancy, project management, research, and teaching experience, in both private industry and research institutions in the field of geotechnical and earthquake engineering. He has been involved in numerous projects serving as a technical lead in geotechnical earthquake engineering and foundation engineering across the country and various markets including water, nuclear, transportation, high rise buildings, energy, schools, hospitals, commercial and industrial.

Dr. Meneses frequently acts as a peer reviewer for technical conferences and technical journal publications, is a guest speaker for domestic and international conferences, and has published more than 60 technical publications. He is currently a part-time faculty member in the graduate school of San Diego State University. He is the President and Founder of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) San Diego Chapter, California Seismic Safety Commissioner, Honorary Chair of the ASCE Geo-Institute San Diego Chapter, Member of the ASCE 7-16 (Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures) and ASCE 1 (Geotechnical Analysis, Design, Construction, Inspection and Monitoring of Nuclear Safety-Related Structures) Committees, member of the Industry Advisory Board, Department of Structural Engineering (University of California San Diego), member of the Academy of Geo-Professionals, and a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

Kristen Chang, P.E., Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Group Delta
San Diego, CA

With over 12 years of experience, Ms. Chang has worked on a broad range of projects in the field of geotechnical engineering. Her areas of expertise include design of foundations and earth retaining structures, and geomechanical numerical modeling and analyses. She has performed geotechnical forensic evaluations for landslides and repair of failed slopes; structural distress induced by seismic events and other adverse geologic conditions; performance of floor level studies, foundation condition surveys, and crawlspace observations for damage assessments.






David Harrison, Assistant Director for Emergency Services, City of Carlsbad
Carlsbad, CA

David Harrison is the Emergency Preparedness Manager for the City of Carlsbad, a position he has held for twelve years. David coordinated the city’s response to the 2007 San Diego County Firestorm, the 2010 H1N1 flu pandemic, and 2011 regional power outage. He provided response support during an active shooter attack in 2010. During the 2014 Poinsettia Wildfire which ravaged Carlsbad, he coordinated evacuations, sheltering and incident response support operations from Carlsbad’s EOC.  During the 2017 Lilac Wildfire, he coordinated evacuation and sheltering support for neighboring jurisdiction evacuees.

David is Carlsbad’s representative to the San Diego County Unified Disaster Council and is an InfraGard San Diego Board Member. He is originator of Carlsbad CERT and co-founder of the Ready Carlsbad Business Alliance. David has served on the Advisory Board of, and taught in, National University’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Program. He is a Past-President of the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club.

David is a U.S. Navy Captain, retired. He commanded a warship, coordinated development of the Navy’s Antiterrorism and Force Protection Program, served as Navy representative to the FBI’s TWA 800 Joint Terrorism Task Force investigation, and developed the Concept of Operations for early warning, and missile and civil defense against Iraq’s SCUD missiles for the Government of Israel during the first Gulf War.

Ryan DeHart, Emergency Services Coordinator, County of San Diego Office of Emergency Services
San Diego, CA

Ryan joined the county as an Emergency Services Coordinator with the County of San Diego, Office of Emergency Services in February of 2018. His projects include overseeing and administering updates to the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, Earthquake, Tsunami, and Severe Weather Coordination, Medical/Health Liaison, Lifelines Coordinator, Spontaneous Volunteer Coordinator, and Intern Coordinator. In addition, Ryan also does collaborative work within Reunification Planning. Previously, Ryan worked as an Emergency Services Specialist with the County of San Benito, Public Health Services From June 2015 – January 2018, where he worked within communicable disease response and readiness, mass prophylaxis planning, hospital protection and healthcare readiness, exercise & training coordination, and regional collaboration within the Bay Area. Ryan has been involved in numerous responses including fulfilling EMMA requests to Napa County during the 2015 Atlas Fire (Tubbs/Atlas Complex), 2017 San Benito County Floods, and the 2018 West Fire. Ryan received his B.A. in United States Politics in 2015 from the University of Santa Cruz, where he also interned for the County of Santa Cruz Office of Emergency Services under their OES Manager, Paul Horvat.


Chair: Dr. Jorge Meneses
Janna Bonfiglio
Alvaro Celestino
Kristen Chang
Octavio Cortes Macouzet
Maryam Motamed
Tasneem Sadeque

2nd Kenji Ishihara Colloquium Series on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

“Seismic Lateral Displacements”

Thursday & Friday, August 22-23, 2019
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA

The second of this colloquium series, honoring Professor T. Leslie Youd, will focus on seismic lateral displacements and will take place at San Diego State University on Thursday & Friday, August 22-23 from 8am to 5pm. The topics that will be presented on during the colloquium are oriented towards geotechnical engineers, structural engineers, engineering geologists, architects, civil engineers, researchers, and students. 22 speakers, consisting of geotechnical and structural engineers, set to present at this colloquium include Prof. T. Leslie Youd, Prof. Kenji Ishihara, Prof. Thomas O’Rourke, Prof. Liam Finn, Prof. Jonathan Bray, Prof. Masanori Hamada, and other engineers and professors from the United States, Canada, Japan, Mexico, and Chile.

Registration includes breakfast, lunch, and refreshments during the breaks.

Click here for information on each speaker and their presentations.

Click the image on the right to view event flyer.








Opening Ceremony

Registration and Breakfast7:00am8:00am

Session 1 – Moderator: Dr. James Gingery

Dr. Robert PykeImproved Computation of Potential Lateral Spreading Displacements in Earthquakes8:15am8:40am
Prof. Kevin FrankeProbabilistic Lateral Spread Hazard Analysis: A Performance‐Based Approach to Predicting Lateral Spread Displacements8:40am9:05am
Prof. Juan MayoralCoupled Site, Topographic, and Soil‐Structure Interaction Effects in Seismic‐Induced Slope Displacements
Discussion Panel9:30am10:00am
Prof. Kyle RollinsEvaluation of Lateral Spread Prediction Equations for M8+ Earthquakes10:30am10:55am
Prof. Nozomu YoshidaSimplified Method to Evaluate Liquefaction‐Induced Flow10:55am11:20am
Prof. Christian LedezmaLiquefaction‐induced Lateral Spreading for Large‐Magnitude Subduction Earthquakes in Areas with Short Source‐to‐Site Distances11:20am11:45am
Discussion Panel11:45am12:15pm
Lunch Break12:15pm1:25pm

Session 2 – Moderator: Alvaro Celestino

Prof. Jose RestrepoModeling and Design Issues in Reinforced Concrete Wall Buildings1:25pm1:50pm
Prof. Gilberto MosquedaResponse of Seismically Isolated Structures subjected to Beyond Design Basis Shaking1:50pm2:15pm
Lawrence BurkettSoil and Foundation Modeling in Structural Engineering Practice2:15pm2:40pm
Discussion Panel2:40pm3:10pm
Prof. Ikuo TowhataEarthquake-induced landslides3:40pm4:05pm
Prof. Joseph WartmanRegional-Scale Forecasting of Coseismic Landslide Displacement4:05pm4:30pm
Discussion Panel4:30pm5:00pm


Session 3 – Moderator: Dr. Jorge Meneses

Registration and Breakfast7:00am8:00am
Prof. Jonathan BraySeismic Slope Displacement Procedure for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes8:15am8:40am
Prof. Liam FinnEstimating Lateral Spreading in a Probabilistic Ground Motion Environment8:40am9:05am
Prof. Thomas O'RourkeNext Generation Hazard Resilient Infrastructure9:05am9:30am
Discussion Panel9:30am10:00am
Prof. Masanori HamadaStrategies for the Enhancement of Earthquake- and Tsunami‐Resistance of Industrial Parks in the Water Front Area10:30am10:55am
Prof. Kenji IshiharaFundamental Laws of Deformations in the Mechanics of Granular Soils10:55am11:20am
Prof. Leslie YoudFactors Controlling Lateral Spread11:20am11:45am
Discussion Panel/Recognition Plaque for Prof. Youd11:45am12:15pm
Lunch Break12:15pm1:25pm

Session 4 – Moderator: Prof. Ikuo Towhata

Prof. Katerina ZiotopoulouNumerical Modeling of Ground Deformations at Balboa Blvd. in the 1994 Northridge Earthquake1:25pm1:50pm
Prof. Ahmed ElgamalLiquefaction‐Induced Lateral Spreading: Ground Deformation and Effects on Embedded Foundations1:50pm2:15pm
Prof. Jonathan StewartBridge Foundations and Lateral Spreads: Case History and Analysis Guidelines2:15pm2:40pm
Discussion Panel2:40pm3:10pm
Dr. Lisheng ShaoSoil Mixing Improvement for Bridge Abutment under Seismic Loads3:40pm4:05pm
Prof. John McCartneyLimiting Values on Seismic Compression of Unsaturated Soils4:05pm4:30pm
Discussion Panel4:30pm5:00pm

San Diego State University
Room: Hardy Tower 140
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182
Click here for an interactive map of the venue.
Click here for parking information. Please park in Parking Structure 12, 7, or 3.

Click here to register for the colloquium.

Click here for a list of hotels near San Diego State University.
Click here for an additional list of a series of hotels (Hotel Circle) located ~12 minutes driving distance from the venue.

Click here for a transportation map from Hotel Circle to the venue.
Transportation to and from the venue can also be utilized through Uber or Lyft.

Chair: Dr. Jorge Meneses
Janna Bonfiglio
Alvaro Celestino
Maryam Motamed
Tasneem Sadeque
Elainey Fetene
Athul Parayancode
Metehan Gumustekin

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Dr. Jorge Meneses at


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