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USGS Software Tools for Site-Specific Ground Motion Hazard Analysis

A One-Day Short Course

Nicolas Luco, Research Structural Engineer, U.S. Geological Survey
Peter Powers, Research Geophysicist, U.S. Geological Survey
Jorge Meneses, Principal Geotechnical Engineer, RMA Group, Inc.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019, 8:00am–5:00pm
San Diego State University

Click the image on the right to view event flyer.


This short course will demonstrate software tools from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for site-specific ground motion hazard analysis, and will provide an opportunity for feedback from earthquake engineering users. The most recent edition of the ASCE 7 Standard (Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures) requires site-specific ground motion analysis formany more structures than did the prior edition. For example, site-specific hazard analysis shall be performed for structures on Site Class D and E sites with S1 greater than or equal to 0.2g, with some exceptions (see Section 11.4.8 of ASCE 7-16). The new site-specific requirements are expected to be part of the 2019 California Building Code.


Dr. Nicolas Luco

Nicolas Luco is a Research Structural Engineer with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in Golden, Colorado. He serves as a liaison between the USGS National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Seismic Subcommittees for the ASCE 7 and 41 Standards, among other building code committees. Prior to joining the USGS in 2004, he was a Senior Analysis Engineer with the catastrophe risk modeling company AIR Worldwide Corporation. He earned his PhD and BS in civil/structural engineering, and an MS in statistics, from Stanford University; his MS in civil/structural engineering is from the University of California, Berkeley.




Dr. Peter Powers

Peter Powers is a research and development geophysicist at the U.S. Geological Survey. Peter started his career as a geologist and worked in both the mining and tech sectors before attending the University of Southern California, from which he received a PhD in geophysics and seismology. He began his time at the USGS in 2008 as a Global Earthquake Model (GEM) post-doc and developer of OpenSHA and the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast version 3 (UCERF3). He now develops software and tools to support updates to USGS national hazard models and related research.





Dr. Jorge Meneses

Dr. Jorge Meneses is a Principal Geotechnical Engineer with RMA Grop, Inc. and has more than 30 years of consultancy, project management, research, and teaching experience, in both private industry and research institutions in the field of geotechnical and earthquake engineering. He has been involved in numerous projects serving as a technical lead in geotechnical earthquake engineering and foundation engineering across the country and various markets including water, nuclear, transportation, high rise buildings, energy, schools, hospitals, commercial and industrial. Dr. Meneses frequently acts as a peer reviewer for technical conferences and technical journal publications, is a guest speaker for domestic and international conferences, and has published more than 60 technical publications. He is currently a part-time faculty member in the graduate school of San Diego State University. He is the President and Founder of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) San Diego Chapter, California Seismic Safety Commissioner, Member of the EERI Board of Directors, Honorary Chair of the ASCE Geo-Institute San Diego Chapter, ex-Member of the ASCE 7-16 (Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures) and member of the ASCE 1 (Geotechnical Analysis, Design, Construction, Inspection and Monitoring of Nuclear Safety-Related Structures) Committees, member of the Industry Advisory Board, Department of Structural Engineering (University of California San Diego), member of the Academy of Geo-Professionals, and a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).



8:00am–9:00amRegistration and Breakfast
9:00am–9:15amWelcome and Overview of Program
9:15am–9:45amASCE 7-16 Site-Specific Ground Motion Requirements
Jorge Meneses
9:45am–10:45amUSGS Unified Hazard Tool and NSHMP-HAZ Web Services for Site-Specific Hazard Curves and Deaggregation
Peter Powers
10:45am–11:00amMorning Break
11:00am–12:00pmUSGS NSHMP-HAZ Code for Site-Specific Analysis
Peter Powers
1:00pm–1:30pmUSGS Risk-Targeted Ground Motion Calculator
Nico Luco
1:30pm–3:00pmUSGS Resources for Deterministic Ground Motion Calculation
Nico Luco and Peter Powers
3:00pm–3:15pmAfternoon Break
3:15pm–4:00pmUse of USGS Software for ASCE 7-22 Ground Motions
Nico Luco

4:00pm–4:30pmOther USGS Software, including OpenSHA and Seismic Design Web Services
Nico Luco and Peter Powers
4:30pm–5:00pmDiscussion of Future USGS Software

San Diego State University
Room: Hardy Tower 140
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182
Click here for an interactive map of the venue.
Click here for parking information. Please park in Parking Structure 12, 7, or 3.

Click here to register for the event.

Click here for a list of hotels near San Diego State University.
Click here for an additional list of a series of hotels (Hotel Circle) located ~12 minutes driving distance from the venue.

Click here for a transportation map from Hotel Circle to the venue.
Transportation to and from the venue can also be utilized through Uber or Lyft.

Dr. Jorge Meneses
Janna Bonfiglio
Alvaro Celestino
Maryam Motamed
Tasneem Sadeque
Elainey Fetene
Athul Parayancode
Metehan Gumustekin

ASCE EERI Joint Luncheon


Tuesday, February 26th, 2019
Hilton San Diego Mission Valley
San Diego, CA

Join EERI in a joint luncheon with ASCE San Diego Section, featuring guest speaker Dr. Reginald DesRoches, EERI 2018 Distinguished Lecturer. The presentation will discuss the use of smart materials in bettering structural performance against seismic activity.

For members of EERI and ASCE = $35.00
For non-members = $45.00
For public agency workers = $20.00
For students or lifetime members = $15.00

For more information, click the images below to view event flyers:










Click here to register for the luncheon.

Hilton San Diego Mission Valley
901 Camino Del Rio South
San Diego, CA 92108












2018 December Dinner Meeting


Monday, December 10th, 2018
San Diego State University, Faculty-Staff Club
San Diego, CA
Free Parking

The topic of this dinner meeting is “Earthquake Insurance” with two distinguished speakers: Ms. Janiele Maffei, California Earthquake Authority, and Andrew Tran, Swiss Re. Further information on the talks and brief biographies of the speakers are presented below.

For members of EERI, ASCE, SEOSD, SDAG, AIA = $35.00
For non-members = $40.00

Click image on right to view event flyer.

Click here to register for the meeting.



CEA Earthquake Insurance for Homeowners, by Janiele Maffei

In 1996, the California Legislature went one step further and created the California Earthquake Authority (CEA)—a not-for-profit, publicly managed, privately funded entity. CEA places a high priority on educating California homeowners and renters about how to stay safe during an earthquake, and how to reduce the risk of earthquake damage and loss.

The CEA’s Chief Mitigation Officer developed earthquake guidelines which created statewide retrofit standards that are used to reduce earthquake damage in single-family dwellings. The CEA Mitigation Department manages multiple projects focused on expanding mitigation resources to homeowners and technical professionals; these projects also support the mitigation-related insurance-premium discount for CEA policyholders.

About 76 percent of California residential property insurance companies offer CEA earthquake policies. By selling our policies exclusively through these participating insurance companies, CEA has become one of the largest providers of residential earthquake insurance in the world.

Natural Catastrophe Gap, by Andrew Tran

At Swiss Re, our vision statement is “We make the world more resilient”: one area of focus is Natural Catastrophe Protection Gap.  Improved science and granular data along with sophisticated risk and financial models; we are taking steps to close the protection gap.



Janiele Maffei, Chief Mitigation Officer, California Earthquake Authority, Sacramento, CA

As Chief Mitigation Officer of the CEA, Janiele Maffei is responsible for planning and directing the statewide residential retrofit program; leading the processes of developing and promoting educational programs that stress the importance of mitigation; collaborating with academic institutions, and industries to promote and support mitigation research and activities; and other actions that promote seismic mitigation and support mitigation-related insurance-premium discount for CEA policyholders.

Ms. Maffei also serves as the Executive Director of the California Residential Mitigation Program, a Joint Power Authority of the CEA and Governor’s Office of Emergency Services since its inception in August 2011. She is a registered structural engineer who has worked in the earthquake engineering industry for over 36 years. Her experience includes the design of new building structures and seismic strengthening of existing structures. Ms. Maffei earned her AB in Architecture and M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.

Ms. Maffei served on EERI director board from 2012 to 2018. She worked on the organizing committee of the 2010 EERI Annual Meeting in San Francisco. She is a member of the Structural Engineers Association of California and served on their Board from 1995-1997. She participated in post-earthquake reconnaissance investigations following the Loma Prieta, Northridge, and South Napa earthquakes.

Andrew Tran, Senior Vice-President, Swiss Re

Andy is a Senior Vice President and Head Property Underwriting for US Core Partners Group at Swiss Re.   One of his main responsibilities is to manage the underwriting of the Property reinsurance treaty portfolio.  Outside of Swiss Re, Andy serve the as a commissioner on the California Seismic and Safety Commission and vice chairman of the Extreme Events Committee as part of the American Academy of Actuaries.

Since joining Swiss Re in 1996, he has held many lead roles including pricing property and casualty reinsurance business, managing loss reserve estimates, and financial reporting including actuarial opinions.  And prior to joining Swiss Re, Andy was with Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company and Sullivan Brokerage Companies.

Andy graduated from the University of California of Los Angeles with a BS in Applied Mathematics and Science. He is an Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society (ACAS), a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU).


Faculty-Staff Club
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182

Parking is free for attendees. Please park in Levels 1 & 2 (bottom two levels) of Parking Structure 1, which can be seen on SDSU’s interactive map or on Google Maps.

Directions to Parking Structure 1 and the Faculty-Staff Club:
From Interstate 8 East, take Exit 10 at College Avenue. Proceeding south, turn right at the stoplight onto College Avenue. Then, turn left at the next stoplight–as you turn, you will see Parking Structure 1 immediately on your right. The entrances to Levels 1 & 2 will also be on your right; please park on these two floors.

Take the elevator to Level 6. Then, cross the bridge at Level 6 and climb the set of stairs that run next to the Education and Business Administration Building (which will be on your left). Cross the street and proceed to the Faculty-Staff Club.

Chair: Dr. Jorge Meneses
Janna Bonfiglio
Alvaro Celestino
Maryam Motamed
Tasneem Sadeque

Kenji Ishihara Colloquium Series on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

“Seismic Settlements”

Friday, August 24, 2018
San Diego State University, Hardy Memorial Tower (HT-140)
San Diego, CA

The first of this colloquium series will focus on seismic settlements and will take place in the Hardy Memorial Tower at San Diego State University on Friday, August 24 between 8 AM and 5 PM. The topics that will be presented on during the colloquium are oriented towards geotechnical engineers, structural engineers, engineering geologists, architects, civil engineers, researchers, and students. Speakers, that include geotechnical and structural engineers, set to present at this colloquium include Prof. Jonathan Bray, Prof. Kohji Tokimatsu, Prof. Youssef Hashash, Prof. Susumu Yasuda, Craig Comartin, Stephen Harris, and other engineers and professors from the US and Japan.

Registration includes breakfast, lunch, and refreshments during the breaks.

Click here for information on each speaker and their presentations.


Opening Ceremony


Session 1 – Moderator: Anthony B. Court, SE, SEAOC Fellow

Prof. Youssef Hashash (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Seismic Settlements in Dense Sands8:15am8:40am
Prof. Scott M. Olson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)Semi-empirical estimates of shaking-induced settlement in saturated coarse-grained soils with or without a structure8:40am9:05am
Prof. John S. McCartney (University of California, San Diego)Role of Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in the Prediction of Seismic Compression9:10am9:35am
Prof. Shideh Dashti (University of Colorado Boulder)Physics-Informed Semi-Empirical Probabilistic Models for Predicting Building Settlement and Tilt on Liquefiable Ground9:35am10:00am
4 speakersDiscussion Panel10:00am10:30am
Prof. Edward J. Cording (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)Damage criterion for buildings subjected to lateral displacement and differential settlement10:45am11:10am
Craig D. Comartin, SE (CDComartin, Inc.)Structural effects of large seismically induced permanent ground displacement11:10am11:35am
Stephen Harris, SE (Simpson Gumpertz & Heger)ASCE 7-16 provisions on seismic settlements for liquefiable sites11:35am12:00pm
Lunch Break (Provided)12:00pm1:00pm
3 speakersDiscussion Panel1:00pm1:30pm

Session 2 – Moderator: Dr. Jorge Meneses

Prof. Jonathan D. Bray (University of California, Berkeley)Simplified Assessment of Liquefaction-Induced Building Settlement 1:30pm2:00pm
Prof. Kohji Tokimatsu (Tokyo Soil Research Co., Japan)Liquefaction-induced Settlement and Tilting of Buildings with Shallow Foundations from Centrifuge Experiments2:00pm2:30pm
SpeakersDiscussion Panel2:30pm3:00pm
Garrett Fountain, PE, GE (Tensar International)Geogrid-Stabilized Gravel Rafts to Mitigate Liquefaction-Induced Differential Settlement3:15pm3:40pm
Dr. James R. Gingery (Hayward Baker, Inc.)Ground Improvement to Mitigate Seismic Settlement of Buildings3:40pm4:05pm
Prof. Susumu Yasuda (Tokyo Denki University, Japan)Ground improvement design procedure to mitigate liquefaction-induced settlement of buildings4:05pm4:30pm
Discussion Panel4:30pm5:00pm

San Diego State University
Hardy Memorial Tower, Room HT-140
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182
Click here for an interactive map of the venue.
Click here for parking information. Please park in Parking Structure 12, 7, or 3.

Click here to register for the colloquium.

Click here for a list of hotels near San Diego State University.
Click here for an additional list of a series of hotels (Hotel Circle) located ~12 minutes driving distance from the venue.

Click here for a transportation map from Hotel Circle to the venue.
Transportation to and from the venue can also be utilized through Uber or Lyft.

Chair: Dr. Jorge Meneses
Vice-Chair: Prof. Julio R. Valdes
Janna Bonfiglio
Alvaro Celestino
Metehan Gumustekin
Lydia Marshall
Federick Pinongcos
Tasneem Sadeque

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Dr. Jorge Meneses at


Using DEEPSOIL: An equivalent linear and nonlinear seismic site response analysis software platform

A 1-Day Short Course

Youssef M A HashashProfessor Youssef Hashash, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Thursday, August 23, 2018, 8:00am – 5:00pm
San Diego State University





This short course will introduce the latest release of DEEPSOIL (V7) for seismic site response analysis. The course will provide attendees with a background on SRA and the development of the DEEPSOIL platform. It will cover the various modules available including motion processing, equivalent linear analysis, nonlinear analysis with and without pore water pressure generation. The course will also include a number of hands-on exercises to gain familiarity with the development of model input and evaluation of analysis results.

Registration includes breakfast, lunch, and refreshments during the breaks.


9:00am–9:30amIntroduction to DEEPSOIL & Historical Background
9:30am–10:00amGround Motion Processing Tools
10:00am–10:15amMorning Break
10:15am–12:00pmLinear and Equivalent Linear Analyses in DEEPSOIL
Hands-On Examples
1:00pm–3:00pmTime Domain Analyses in DEEPSOIL
*Numerical Setting
*Modified Kodner-Zelasko Model
*General Quadratic/Hyperbolic Model
*Equivalent Linear/Nonlinear Threshold
*Hands-On Examples
3:00pm–3:15pmAfternoon Break
3:15pm–4:30pmPore Water Pressure Generation and Dissipation
Hands-On Examples
4:30pm–5:00pmAdditional Features and Future Developments
*Auto-Generated Soil Profiles
*Future Directions

San Diego State University
Hardy Memorial Tower, Room HT-140
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182
Click here for an interactive map of the venue.
Click here for parking information. Please park in Parking Structure 12, 7, or 3.

Click here to register for the short course.

Click here for a list of hotels near San Diego State University.
Click here for an additional list of a series of hotels (Hotel Circle) located ~12 minutes driving distance from the venue.

Click here for a transportation map from Hotel Circle to the venue.
Transportation to and from the venue can also be utilized through Uber or Lyft.

Chair: Dr. Jorge Meneses
Vice-Chair: Prof. Julio R. Valdes
Janna Bonfiglio
Alvaro Celestino
Metehan Gumustekin
Lydia Marshall
Federick Pinongcos
Tasneem Sadeque


6th Structural Engineers World Congress – SEWC 2017

6th Structural Engineers World Congress – SEWC 2017

Cancún, Mexico, November 14-17, 2017

21st National Mexican Conference on Earthquake Engineering

21st National Mexican Conference on Earthquake Engineering

Guadalajara, Mexico, September 20-23, 2017


SUPERPILE 17, Organized by the DFI in Coronado, June 14-16, 2017

Short Course In South America: Seismic Design Of Tailing Dams

April 2014

Lima, Peru April 18 and 19
Santiago, Chile April 23, 24 and 25
San Juan, Argentina April 28 and 29

For further information contact:

Pedro Isique, (Lima, Peru)

Ramon (Santiago, Chile)

Francisco Zabala, (San Juan, Argentina)

Jorge Meneses, (USA)


Design Ground Motions (Jorge Meneses)
Probabilistic and Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis
Design Spectra
Seismic Deaggregation
Selection and Modification of Earthquake Time Histories
Development of Input Motion

Liquefaction (Gonzalo Castro)
Introduction and Definitions
Seismic Pore Pressure Generation
Threshold Strain
Empirical Charts
Effects of Confining Stress, Fines Content, Static Shear
Seismic Stability
Steady State of Deformation
Methods to Determine Undrained Steady State Strength (Sus)
Effect on Sus of Confining Stress and Fines Content
Triggering of Instability, i.e. flow slides (low Sus cases). Effect of Static Shear
Seismic Deformations
Cyclic Mobility

Dynamic Analysis (Ahmed Elgamal)Brief Introduction: Dynamics of Structures
Seismic Response and Transfer Functions
Computational Approaches
Modeling of Nonlinear Seismic Response and Soil Liquefaction
Use of Open-Source Numerical Codes (OpenSees)
User-Friendly graphical User Interfaces
Deformations versus Factor of Safety Analysis



Gonzalo Castro

Dr. Gonzalo Castro, GEI Consultants Inc., Boston

He is a geotechnical engineer with over 45 years of experience in the practice of geotechnical engineering. Dr. Castro’s professional experience has been primarily as the engineer in charge of the geotechnical aspects of major civil engineering projects as a principal of GEI Consultants. His contributions to the practice of geotechnical engineering have been principally in the understanding of the behavior of soils during earthquakes and its application to the seismic safety of dams. Elected to the National Academy of Engineering for contributions to geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil dynamics and the seismic safety of dams, Dr. Castro is also a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and Honorary Member of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers. He received his doctorate in Soil Mechanics at Harvard University and specializes in the behavior of soils during earthquakes.


Professor Ahmed Elgamal, University of California, San Diego
Since 1997, Prof. Elgamal (PhD 1984, Princeton University) has been serving as Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Earlier, he held academic appointments at the California Institute of Technology (Post Doctor and Lecturer, Pasadena, CA), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Assistant and Associate Professor and Technical Director of RPI Centrifuge Testing Facility, Troy, NY), and Columbia University (Associate Professor, New York, NY). He Chaired the UCSD Department of Structural Engineering from 2003 to 2007. Professor Elgamal’s research has been focused on seismic experimental and computational analysis and modeling of geotechnical and SSI systems (site response, liquefaction and mitigation, earth and rockfill dams). In his published studies, he developed/ employed data sets from centrifuge and large-scale shake table testing, and earthquake downhole geotechnical arrays worldwide. Based on this experimentation background, he has developed nonlinear computational analysis techniques that are now available via the open-source computational framework (e.g.,,, He is author and co-author of over 250 publications.

Jorge Meneses 141273

Dr. Jorge Meneses, GEI Consultants Inc., Carlsbad
Jorge Meneses has more than 25 years of experience in geotechnical engineering with emphases on geotechnical earthquake engineering, foundation engineering, numerical modeling, and advanced geotechnical testing. His experience includes consultancy for major companies, and research and teaching in major universities in the U.S., Japan, and Peru. Jorge has published about 60 technical publications in technical journals and conferences, is a frequent peer reviewer of journal and conferences papers, and has been invited as a guest speaker for national and international conferences. His expertise includes probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard evaluation, liquefaction and lateral spread analysis, numerical modeling of dynamic behavior of earth works, seismic soil-structure interaction, seismic design of foundations, shallow and deep foundation design, site response and site characterization, seismic slope stability, and development of earthquake ground motion for dynamic analyses. He is a part-time lecturer in the Graduate School of San Diego State University, and University of California, San Diego Extension. Jorge is the founder and current president of the EERI San Diego Chapter. Jorge is a Diplomate, Geotechnical Engineer, member of the Academy of Geo-Professionals, and is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

January Joint Dinner Meeting


SEAOSD January Joint Dinner Meeting with EERI

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Handlery Hotel, 5:30 p.m.

January Joint Dinner Meeting with EERI

 10 Years of Research Achievement of the NEES-UC San Diego Shaking Table

In this presentation, Prof. Jose Restrepo will highlight the 10 years of research achievement of the NEES-UC San Diego Shaking Table.   Numerous landmark research projects have been carried out on the shaking table, resulting in discovering of new knowledge and advancement of design codes.  In particular, Prof. Restrepo will highlight the research project on thin structural walls, and will contrast its main findings with observations made in the M8.8 Chile earthquake.  He will also show the research project on precast concrete diaphragms and will briefly discuss the main changes to ASCE 7 that this research work brought up.  Furhtermore, Prof. Restrepo will highlight the main findings of the research project on a fully equipped 5-story building, which was tested with base-isolation and then and then in a fixed-based condition.  Prof. Restrepo will end its presentation with a brief discussion of a building project whose design aims at reducing floor inertia forces.  This building is being currently tested on the NEES-UC San Diego shake table.

Jose. Restrepo is a Professor in Structural Engineering at the University of California, San Diego.  Professor Restrepo research interests are in earthquake engineering and structural dynamics, with emphasis in structural design and experimental methods.  Professor Restrepo was lead structural engineer for the NEES UC San Diego Large High-Performance Outdoor Shake Table, the largest in the United States and second largest worldwide.  There he has leader or collaborator for a number of landmark experiments performed on this shake table. Prof. Restrepo’s research has been recognized with the ACI Chester Paul Siess Award, the PCI Charles C. Zollman and Martin Korn Awards, the FHWA James Cooper Award and the ASCE Alfred Noble Award.

SEAOC President, Michael Cochran; SEAOC President-Elect, Ryan Kersting;
and SEAOC Executive Director, Don Schinske, will be visiting SEAOSD for this dinner meeting!

TIME: Registration: 5:30 pm / Dinner: 6:00 pm / Program: 6:45-7:45 pm

COST:  SEAOSD / EERI Members: $30.00 / Non-Members:$40.00 / Students: $10.00

PAYMENT: Cash, check or credit card (click on the “register now” button below).  Parking will be validated. Checks made payable to SEAOSD.  You may mail your check in advance to 401 W. Lexington Avenue #12621, El Cajon, CA 92022.

MENU: Salmon with basil cream sauce and chef’s choice accompaniments, house salad, dessert, tea and coffee service. (vegetarian plate is available but must be requested by January 17th)

PLACE: The Handlery Hotel & Resort, 950 Hotel Circle N., San Diego, 92108

RESERVATIONS: MUST be received by Friday, January 17th, Noon.   If you choose to walk-in the day of the luncheon, please be advised that your meal is not guaranteed and an additional charge of $5 will be added to the cost of the dinner.  If you make a dinner reservation and fail to attend you will be invoiced.  By Phone: 619-212-5210  E-Mail:, or by responding to the email invitation.

CANCELLATION: Please CANCEL your reservation(s) at least 24 hours in advance if you are UNABLE to attend.

Registration Page

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