April 2014
Lima, Peru April 18 and 19
Santiago, Chile April 23, 24 and 25
San Juan, Argentina April 28 and 29
For further information contact:
Pedro Isique, (Lima, Peru)
Ramon Verdugo, (Santiago, Chile)
Francisco Zabala, (San Juan, Argentina)
Jorge Meneses, (USA)
Design Ground Motions (Jorge Meneses)
Probabilistic and Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis
Design Spectra
Seismic Deaggregation
Selection and Modification of Earthquake Time Histories
Development of Input Motion
Liquefaction (Gonzalo Castro)
Introduction and Definitions
Seismic Pore Pressure Generation
Threshold Strain
Empirical Charts
Effects of Confining Stress, Fines Content, Static Shear
Seismic Stability
Steady State of Deformation
Methods to Determine Undrained Steady State Strength (Sus)
Effect on Sus of Confining Stress and Fines Content
Triggering of Instability, i.e. flow slides (low Sus cases). Effect of Static Shear
Seismic Deformations
Cyclic Mobility
Dynamic Analysis (Ahmed Elgamal)Brief Introduction: Dynamics of Structures
Seismic Response and Transfer Functions
Computational Approaches
Modeling of Nonlinear Seismic Response and Soil Liquefaction
Use of Open-Source Numerical Codes (OpenSees)
User-Friendly graphical User Interfaces
Deformations versus Factor of Safety Analysis
Dr. Gonzalo Castro, GEI Consultants Inc., Boston
He is a geotechnical engineer with over 45 years of experience in the practice of geotechnical engineering. Dr. Castro’s professional experience has been primarily as the engineer in charge of the geotechnical aspects of major civil engineering projects as a principal of GEI Consultants. His contributions to the practice of geotechnical engineering have been principally in the understanding of the behavior of soils during earthquakes and its application to the seismic safety of dams. Elected to the National Academy of Engineering for contributions to geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil dynamics and the seismic safety of dams, Dr. Castro is also a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and Honorary Member of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers. He received his doctorate in Soil Mechanics at Harvard University and specializes in the behavior of soils during earthquakes.
Professor Ahmed Elgamal, University of California, San Diego
Since 1997, Prof. Elgamal (PhD 1984, Princeton University) has been serving as Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Earlier, he held academic appointments at the California Institute of Technology (Post Doctor and Lecturer, Pasadena, CA), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Assistant and Associate Professor and Technical Director of RPI Centrifuge Testing Facility, Troy, NY), and Columbia University (Associate Professor, New York, NY). He Chaired the UCSD Department of Structural Engineering from 2003 to 2007. Professor Elgamal’s research has been focused on seismic experimental and computational analysis and modeling of geotechnical and SSI systems (site response, liquefaction and mitigation, earth and rockfill dams). In his published studies, he developed/ employed data sets from centrifuge and large-scale shake table testing, and earthquake downhole geotechnical arrays worldwide. Based on this experimentation background, he has developed nonlinear computational analysis techniques that are now available via the open-source computational framework (e.g.,,, He is author and co-author of over 250 publications.
Dr. Jorge Meneses, GEI Consultants Inc., Carlsbad
Jorge Meneses has more than 25 years of experience in geotechnical engineering with emphases on geotechnical earthquake engineering, foundation engineering, numerical modeling, and advanced geotechnical testing. His experience includes consultancy for major companies, and research and teaching in major universities in the U.S., Japan, and Peru. Jorge has published about 60 technical publications in technical journals and conferences, is a frequent peer reviewer of journal and conferences papers, and has been invited as a guest speaker for national and international conferences. His expertise includes probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard evaluation, liquefaction and lateral spread analysis, numerical modeling of dynamic behavior of earth works, seismic soil-structure interaction, seismic design of foundations, shallow and deep foundation design, site response and site characterization, seismic slope stability, and development of earthquake ground motion for dynamic analyses. He is a part-time lecturer in the Graduate School of San Diego State University, and University of California, San Diego Extension. Jorge is the founder and current president of the EERI San Diego Chapter. Jorge is a Diplomate, Geotechnical Engineer, member of the Academy of Geo-Professionals, and is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers.