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Using DEEPSOIL: An equivalent linear and nonlinear seismic site response analysis software platform

A 1-Day Short Course

Youssef M A HashashProfessor Youssef Hashash, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Thursday, August 23, 2018, 8:00am – 5:00pm
San Diego State University





This short course will introduce the latest release of DEEPSOIL (V7) for seismic site response analysis. The course will provide attendees with a background on SRA and the development of the DEEPSOIL platform. It will cover the various modules available including motion processing, equivalent linear analysis, nonlinear analysis with and without pore water pressure generation. The course will also include a number of hands-on exercises to gain familiarity with the development of model input and evaluation of analysis results.

Registration includes breakfast, lunch, and refreshments during the breaks.


9:00am–9:30amIntroduction to DEEPSOIL & Historical Background
9:30am–10:00amGround Motion Processing Tools
10:00am–10:15amMorning Break
10:15am–12:00pmLinear and Equivalent Linear Analyses in DEEPSOIL
Hands-On Examples
1:00pm–3:00pmTime Domain Analyses in DEEPSOIL
*Numerical Setting
*Modified Kodner-Zelasko Model
*General Quadratic/Hyperbolic Model
*Equivalent Linear/Nonlinear Threshold
*Hands-On Examples
3:00pm–3:15pmAfternoon Break
3:15pm–4:30pmPore Water Pressure Generation and Dissipation
Hands-On Examples
4:30pm–5:00pmAdditional Features and Future Developments
*Auto-Generated Soil Profiles
*Future Directions

San Diego State University
Hardy Memorial Tower, Room HT-140
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182
Click here for an interactive map of the venue.
Click here for parking information. Please park in Parking Structure 12, 7, or 3.

Click here to register for the short course.

Click here for a list of hotels near San Diego State University.
Click here for an additional list of a series of hotels (Hotel Circle) located ~12 minutes driving distance from the venue.

Click here for a transportation map from Hotel Circle to the venue.
Transportation to and from the venue can also be utilized through Uber or Lyft.

Chair: Dr. Jorge Meneses
Vice-Chair: Prof. Julio R. Valdes
Janna Bonfiglio
Alvaro Celestino
Metehan Gumustekin
Lydia Marshall
Federick Pinongcos
Tasneem Sadeque


Recap from our EERI San Diego, SEAOSD and GeoInstitute Joint Meeting


A special thanks to our guests Dr. Moehle and Dr. Stewart, our sponsors, and all the attendees who made this meeting a success.

EERI San Diego, SEAOSD and GeoInstitute San Diego Joint Meeting

Seismic Demands for High-Rise Buildings: Interaction between Geotechnical and Structural Engineers

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Guest Speakers:

Prof. Jack Moehle (Univerity of California Berkeley)

Prof. Jonathan Stewart (University of California Los Angeles)

Performance-based seismic design of tall buildings has evolved in recent years to permit buildings designed outside the prescriptive provisions of the building code. A performance-designed project typically requires definition of performance objectives, development of the structural system, definition of seismic hazard, and verification of seismic performance using nonlinear dynamic analysis. One of the challenges to be overcome in design is the communication of modeling and analysis requirements between structural and geotechnical engineers. The seminar will emphasize the required handoffs.

Dr. Moehle will introduce the recently published PEER Tall Buildings Initiative for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Tall Buildings. The presentation will cover team qualifications, performance objectives, modeling and analysis requirements, performance evaluation, and the review process. The presentation also will review typical handoffs between structural and geotechnical engineers, including typical assumptions for soil-foundation-structure modeling and selection and scaling of earthquake ground motions. Emphasis will be on requirements from the perspective of the structural engineer.

Dr. Stewart will review outcomes of a recent ATC/NIST project on modeling seismic Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) effects for building structures, with an emphasis on applications to tall buildings. The conditions under which SSI effects are most pronounced will be identified. The basis for the SSI procedures in the PEER Tall Buildings project will be reviewed. Typical problems encountered in the communications between structural and geotechnical engineers for SSI problems will be described along with proposed solutions proposed within the ATC/NIST project.

Welcome to EERI San Diego

Welcome to the EERI San Diego regional chapter website.  Here you will find newsletters for upcoming meetings, announcements of community activities, and information about our organization.  Thanks for visiting!

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